SFBALEES Membership Information



In compliance with the bylaws of the San Francisco Bay Area Law Enforcement Emerald Society, Membership is categorized into three levels.

Active - Sworn LEO Member - (Law Enforcement Officer) of Irish Descent.

*Currently employed, Retired or Reserve*

Auxillary Member - of Irish descent but (Non-Law Enforcement)

Associate Member - anyone who is not covered under one of the above.


NOTE: Only "Active" members and those "Auxiliary" members voted to the Board of Directors are eligible to vote.


Application Fee: $50.00 *One time fee*

(Application will not be processed and/or approved without full payment)

Renewal Fee: $30.00 annually.


Membership in the San Francisco Bay Area Law Enforcement Emerald Society is a privilege and not a "right".

By submitting an application you attest to be qualified for the requested membership status. You also proclaim to be of good character and a law abiding citizen, willing and able to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, so help you God.  

© 2025 - SFBALEES

The San Francisco Bay Area Law Enforcement Emerald Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization.  

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software